I: Kick-Ass, nice to meet you. So I hear before you were a teenage vigilante you were just an average high school student, what made you want to begin this super hero revolution?
KA: Forever its been my ambition to become a real life super hero. So I just put on my suit and mask and started to help people who needed it. I was just ready to rise up to the challenge.
I: This was sure a touch challenge. It must of been helpful to have Big Daddy and Hit Girl for support?
KA: Of course! Having other super heroes was so helpful. Its not like I have any incredible super powers so support was needed.
I: Okay so as you've established being a superhero is not easy work. It was reported earlier that you were attacked by two youths and you got stabbed. What drives you to continue to help fight crime?
KA: As I previously said it's all about the challenge. I was seen as an outcast and basically was an average high school student. As soon as I put on this mask and superhero outfit I feel confident and proud. I was badly attacked but that's all part of being a superhero, if you fall you get right back up again.
The final showdown was against your arch nemesis Frank D'Amico and Red Mist.How did it feel kicking ass and defeating them?
KA: It felt great. I finally felt that I has accomplished something but the greatest thing was knowing that I really helped others.
I: Kick Ass thank you for taking time out to do this interview
KA: Thank you, Bye!
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